Here is the solution. It has been tested in Sierra 10.12.5.
First be sure that you have python install. In terminal, enter:
belinda:~ marcgirondot$ python --version
Python 2.7.13
Any version higher than 2.7 should work. If you have not, when installing Xcode, python should be included.
Install Xcode from app store (take care, it is 4 GB !)
Open Xcode from application folder and install line command tools in terminal:
sudo xcode-select --install
sudo xcodebuild -license
sudo easy_install pip
Upgrade pip:
sudo -H pip install --upgrade pip --ignore-installed six
Install different components of openstack:
# Installation
sudo -H pip install python-openstackclient --ignore-installed six
sudo -H pip install --upgrade python-novaclient --ignore-installed six
sudo -H pip install --upgrade python-cinderclient --ignore-installed six
sudo -H pip install --upgrade python-neutronclient --ignore-installed six
sudo -H pip install --upgrade python-glanceclient --ignore-installed six
# for nova
sudo -H pip install --upgrade netifaces --ignore-installed six
To run it, you must define environment variables as described here:
It works for me !
To upgrade openstack client:
sudo -H pip install --upgrade python-openstackclient --ignore-installed six