lundi 28 juin 2021

siunits CTAN package unavailable: how to solve

When updating MacTEX installation using tlmgr, an error occurred about siunits package ( This package was declared present but could not be found.

It was impossible to delete this package with "sudo tlmgr remove -force siunits" because the package was not found !

The solution has been to delete the collection where this package was present:

sudo tlmgr remove -force collection-mathscience

And then install it again:

sudo tlmgr install collection-mathscience 

Now you can update MacTEX without error:

sudo /usr/local/texlive/2021/bin/universal-darwin/tlmgr update --self --all

samedi 26 juin 2021

Stop reporting gpg unavailable in MacOSX

 If you do not want to see this error again:

(not verified: gpg unavailable)


brew install gnupg