mercredi 1 octobre 2008

Scanner DX4450 Epson non reconnu

Le logiciel Epson quitte sans rien dire, transfert d'image bloque et vuescan me dit que les drivers intel ne sont pas présents et me demande de le lancer sous Rosetta, ce que je ne peux faire. J'essaye ce post:

It has been a *censored* to get this Perfection 2450 running after installing OS 10.5 on my iMac intel but, with the factory;s help, it works fine now. They sent the following work around. To get the Epson Scan scanner driver running on the Intel Core Duo mac, a complete cleanout and reinstall may be required. In this case we would recommend using the following steps to get a full cleanout of all hidden files from earlier Epson Scan version(s) and a fresh install: UNINSTALL Note: the files found will vary by OS and driver version. Not all files and locations will be present. If one file cannot be found, just skip to the next item. If an EPSON SCAN or EPSON SCANNER named file is found in an adjacent location, you can trash it. Do not remove any other EPSON files. 1. Go into HD, APPLICATIONS, UTILITIES and open ACTIVITY MONITOR. Highlight the EPSON SCANNER MONITOR process and click STOP or QUIT PROCESS to FORCE QUIT the process. Close ACTIVITY MONITOR. In HD, APPLICATIONS - move EPSON SCAN and EPSON SCANNER MONITOR to the trash. 2a. In HD, LIBRARY, APPLICATION SUPPORT, EPSON - remove EPSON SCAN, if present. Also check the contents of the Epson folder. Remove only files inside it that are related to the scanner, for example EPSON USB SCANNER or EPSON FW SCANNER BUNDLE. 2b. Check in HD, LIBRARY, APPLICATION SUPPORT. There may be other Epson files. Any files to do with the Epson scanner name or Epson Scan you can remove from here. 3. In HD, LIBRARY, APPLICATION SUPPORT, TWAIN*, TWAIN DATA SOURCES - remove EPSON SCAN, if present, and any files bearing your scanner's name. (*The Twain folder may not be present on all OS 10.4 Macs.) 4a. In HD, LIBRARY, IMAGE CAPTURE, TWAIN DATA SOURCES - remove any Epson scanner-named ".ds" files, for example the bearing your scanner's name, EPSON STYLUS or PERFECTION #### X.ds 4b. In HD, LIBRARY, IMAGE CAPTURE, DEVICES, remove EPSON SCANNER.DS, if present (This is a generic resident scanner driver. Once the Epson scanner software is working properly it will not be needed, so it can be deleted.) 5. In HD, USERS, (YOUR USER NAME), LIBRARY, PREFERENCES - remove EPSON (scanner name ####) PREFS, if present 6. In HD, USERS, (YOUR USER NAME), LIBRARY, PREFERENCES, EPSON - remove EPSON SCAN and EPSON SCANNERMONITOR PREFS, if present Once the above files have been moved to the trash, you do not need to empty the trash. Simply restart your Mac. You are ready to reinstall.

2 commentaires:

Marc a dit…

Ca marche toujours pas...

Marc a dit…

Maintenant ça marche sans que je n'ai rien fait de plus. Mystère.